The process of initial formation begins with a period of candidacy. This is followed by at least three years of aspirancy. Guided by a professed Missionary, the aspirant learns to follow and live faithfully the SIM Rule, which involves a prayer life, mediation, Eucharistic celebration, a course of study and a particular mission witnessing to Gospel values. The aspirants gather for an annual formation retreat in February, in addition to the annual retreat attended by all Missionaries. At the end of aspirancy, with the approval of the US Zonal Council, the aspirant makes her First Profession. After profession, the Missionary enters a five year directed period of Temporary Incorporation before making her Definitive Profession in the Institute.
Missionaries strive to be open to the workings of the Spirit of the Lord, as they discern the will of God. They draw strength and courage to live their vocation fully by nurturing a spirit of prayer, listening to and meditating on God’s word in the Scriptures, praying the Liturgy of the Hours daily and uniting themselves to Christ through participation in the daily Eucharistic celebration, when possible. Missionaries attend monthly Days of Recollection and an annual retreat arranged by the Institute. They are also encouraged to have a spiritual director.